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都政レポート  2020年12月17日  産業労働局











  • 援農ボランティアの応募など詳細はこちら
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    「Shall we touch the ground?Agricultural volunteer recommendations to support farming in Tokyo」
    :Bureau of Industrial and Labor Affairs

    On December 8, we visited the Ishizaka Farm House in Hino City for a hands-on “wide area” agricultural volunteering experience. “Wide area” agricultural volunteers are registered persons who support farming in Tokyo beyond the boundaries of municipalities. Register through the Tokyo Agricultural Volunteer Support website and use your leisure time to participate in agricultural activities at your own pace.

    At the time of our visit, the weather was fine, the temperatures decent. It was a nice winter day. From 9 o’clock to 12 o’clock, under warm sunshine, two volunteers helped farming. That day, the work included sowing Japanese mustard spinach (komatsuna), thinning vegetables, fertilizing and making ridges. 

    A woman living around ten minutes away on foot who volunteers approximatively one time per week happily told: “Until now, I have hardly touched the ground in my life. Due to corona, I’ve had reduced working hours, so I came here. It was the first time that I felt the world was open to me. Thus, I can produce what I usually eat. Food is really important. I realized that I had to protect the farmers who make it.”
    A man from Chuo Ward who sometimes comes explained “My usual activity of looking at a computer is completely different from getting in contact with the earth. Everyone should do this.”

    Ishizaka Aki of the Ishizaka Farm House addresses a few words to those who would like to volunteer but have some hesitations “I believe that some of you may feel anxious about the first time, but there are simple tasks and we will explain everything in detail, so please come and join us!”


    here for details such as registering as an agricultural volunteer (Japanese only)




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