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TOKYO ALBUM > Tokyo Digital Archive > Okutama Area
Traffic opening on metropolitan road damaged by typhoon No. 19 (Nippara Kaido, Okutama Town), 05/2020
Kumotori mountain lodge (Chichibu City, Saitama Prefecture), 08/1992
Damages from typhoon No. 19 (Oguno District, Hinode Town), 10/2019
Daidawa woodland path (Okutama Town), 08/1992
Wasabi field (Okutama Town), 05/1986
Lake Okutama (Okutama Town), 03/1982
Lake Okutama fall foliage (Okutama Town), 11/1989
Mountain sheep breed (Okutama Town), 11/1990
Masu salmon egg collection (Okutama Town), 11/1998
Houses in the Nippara area (Okutama Town), 05/1991
Ogouchi Dam under construction, start of concrete casting (Okutama Town), 03/1953
Fire and Disaster Management Agency Mountain Rescue Team (Okutama Town), 07/1988
Cultivation of Shimeji mushrooms in a tunnel (Okutama Town), 02/1988
Hatonosu Valley (Okutama Town), 05/1986
River algae harvesting (Okutama Town), 10/1980
Kashima Odori (Kashima Dance) (Okutama Town), 09/1993
Forestry (Okutama Town), 05/1997
Creation of spawning grounds for Japanese dace (Okutama Town), 05/1997
Catching masu salmon with a cast net (Okutama Town), 06/1995
Rainbow trout egg collection (Okutama Town), 02/1995
Nippara River fall foliage (Okutama Town), 11/1995
Hossawa Falls (Hinohara Village), 01/2016
Mt. Kumotori (Okutama Town), 01/2017
Okutama Fishing Center (Okutama Town), 01/2018
Mt. Mitake cable car and greenery, 05/1995
Mitake Shrine fall foliage, 11/2019
Fall foliage around Lake Okutama, 11/1999
Fall foliage at Bonteniwa, Nippara, Okutama Town, 11/1999
Fall foliage at Mitake Gorge, 11/1999
Fall foliage at Mitake Gorge, 11/1989
Fall foliage around Lake Tama, 11/1987
Log peeling and polishing (Hinode Town), 06/1991
Ryushuin cherry blossoms (Akiruno City), 04/2015
Drying of Sotoba (wooden grave tablets) (Hinode Town), 06/1991
Pruning of cedar trees (Itsukaichi Town), 09/1989
Playing in the Aki River, 07/1998
Tokyo forestry (Hinohara Village), 05/1984
Japanese Serow on Mt. Mitake, 11/2019
Hossawa Falls, 06/2017
Frozen Hossawa Falls, 01/2006
Houou-no-mai (Hinode Town), 09/2004
Kanoto Rock in Hinohara (Kanotoiwa), 08/1994
Mt. Kumotori mountain trail (aerial photograph), 11/1993
Mt. Kumotori covered in moss, 08/1992
Wild deer (Mt. Kumotori), 08/1992
Nippara Limestone Caves, 05/1991
Reitai-sai (annual festival) (Okutama Town), 09/2015
Greenery in Hatonosu Valley, 11/1989
Forestry volunteer training (Hinohara Village), 09/1997
Ogouchi Dam under construction (Okutama Town), 05/1954
Ogouchi Dam completion ceremony (Okutama Town), 11/1957
Ogouchi Dam (Okutama Town), 08/1959
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