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TOKYO ALBUM > Tokyo Digital Archive > Memorials and Remains of War
Battle of Ioto Island 2015 memorial ceremony, 10/2015
Ioto Island grave attendance, 07/2003
Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress visiting Ioto Island, 02/1994
Wrecks of a cargo ship from World War II remaining on Sakaiura, Chichijima, 07/1987
Ioto Island panoramic view, 07/1986
Japan-America stone monument on the summit of Mt. Suribachi (Ioto Island), 06/1984
Awazu tunnel, used by the Japanese troops during the war (Ioto Island), 09/1983
Mt. Suribachi and anti-aircraft gun (Ioto Island), 12/1977
Ogasawara Chichijima recovery of soldiers' remains (Chichijima), 10/1970
Autumn Memorial Service (Tokyo Metropolitan Memorial Hall), 09/2017
Prayer at the Peace Monument for the Victims of the Great Tokyo Air Raid (Yokoamicho Park, Sumida Ward), 03/2017
Spring Memorial Service (Yokoamicho Park, Sumida Ward), 03/2011
Tokyo air raids victims list ceremony (Yokoamicho Park, Sumida Ward), 03/2011
Great Kanto Earthquake Memorial Museum (Yokoamicho Park, Sumida Ward), 05/2003
1995 Tokyo Metropolitan Memorial Service for the War Dead (Tokyo War Dead Memorial), 08/1995
Tokyo Metropolitan Memorial Hall, 07/1995
1989 Tokyo Metropolitan Memorial Service for the War Dead (Tokyo War Dead Memorial), 08/1989
Autumn Memorial Service (Tokyo Metropolitan Memorial Hall), 09/1964
Autumn Memorial Service for the victims of war damage at the Tokyo Metropolitan Memorial Hall, 09/1961
Ogasawara Islands Reversion Ceremony (Chichijima), 06/1968
Ceremony to commemorate the Ogasawara Islands 10th anniversary of reversion (Chichijima), 06/1978
Remains of the Chichijima fortification, 11/2014
Ioto Island grave attendance, 12/1977
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